Choosing bridesmaids is a way to honor people who are most important and special to you as well as to share your big day with you. However, deciding on your bridal party is never a piece of cake, especially when many of your friends and family members are excited and anticipating to become a part of it. Therefore, prioritizing what’s important is the key to building a list that will please everyone as well ensure peace now, and for years to come.

  • Consider the wedding size

The first factor that can determine the number of bridesmaids you have is the type and size of your wedding. A formal wedding can go with a larger bridal party while an informal one may stick to smaller side. This rule can be loosely followed though it is important to keep the bridal party proportionate to the number of guest. You can have as many bridesmaids as you want yet the number should not be over 12. After all, the larger the bridal party is, the harder it is to arrange and it will leave more room for mistakes.

  • Think long-term

Surely your close friend is a perfect choice for your bridal party, but your bridesmaid shouldn’t be someone you’ve just met. She’s supposed to be the one who has known you for a long time, played a crucial role in your life and will remain just as important in the future. Keep in mind she will remain forever in your wedding photos and definitely you don’t want yourself look back those photos and can’t even remember her name!

  • Blood ties

The sad truth is that people can grow apart; your close friend may move to another city and you two become less close but one thing is quite certain: blood is thicker than water. When it comes to picking bridesmaids, family is often the best option. Even if you’re not particularly close to your siblings, including them in the bridal party can help avoid unpleasantness that may harm your family harmony. And don’t forget to ask your sister-in-law, this will be a nice gesture that does not only improve your relationship with her but also makes your fiancé feeling like you’re treating his family like yours.

  • Choose responsible and supportive attendants

The bridesmaid is like the bride’s right hand so being a bridesmaid may involve an enormous time and responsibility. She’s the one who will help you do big wedding planning tasks, come with you to fittings or provide support when you go through pre-wedding nerves. Therefore, she should be someone very responsible and can fulfill her tasks properly. Be upfront about your wedding planning and tell her straightforwardly what you are expecting from her. If she is unable to make commitments then make sure you stress that she’s still invited as a guest to share the day with you. This way will help you organize a successful wedding and avoid hard feeling when your expectation isn’t met.